Sharing Knowlegde

All About Statistics and Marketing Research

My Investment

After working more than 5 years, I am asking myself, what did I have so far? This is one of the biggest question and I try to find the answer by reviewing my journey so far.

If I compared myself with my friends, who also have been working for almost 6 years, they already have a lot of investment like a house, an apartment, mutual fund, deposit, stocks, gold and so on, I felt like I am nothing..

But, I also found that there is some friends who also didn’t have that kind of investment. They said that their expenditure is same and even higher than their income, so they cannot invest until now. It so sad, but it’s true.

I believe, investment is not always about how much property did you have or how much money did you save. And back to the principal that everybody has their own priority and also their own story, so please don’t judge!

For me, I’ve been investing all of my hardworking for my happiness. There are a lot of things which can contributes to my happiness. Here they are :

1st of all is my family. I am the oldest daughter in my family and have 5 siblings. My younger brother is still in 4th grade in elementary school. I’ve sisters who still sits in junior & senior high school and also one more still study in the university. My second sister just graduated and still looking for a job (still need my support sometimes).

Since we are not from a rich family, I try my best to help my parents on their education. So, my 1st investment is on my sister’s education since my first salary until now. I believe by giving & supporting their education, I will became a rich people. Rich is not always about money, right? So, I always thankful and feeling blessed for what I’ve so far.

The 2nd one is travelling. I was born as adventurer person who always enjoy the travelling. But thanks God, I’m quite good on controling my self, I am a realistic, optimistic and sometimes opportunist in a good way.

I remember when I was in Semarang as a collage student, I travelled a lot to a new place with the minimum budget. I went to Jogja, Solo, Bali, Malang & Surabaya. Sometimes, I travelled with my friends by motorcycle (Jogja, Solo, Magelang, Pekalongan, Klaten, Kudus), sometimes by rent a car/bus or trains.

I also have experienced as a tour guide just because I really wanted to visit Bali. I ever worked part time as an interviewer to make money and travelling to another city.

When I worked in Ipsos, I got some opportunity to travel to another city that I never visited before (Makassar & Balikpapan) and even another country (Thailand) for company trip.

Now, I have visited most of Java & Sumatra, and some of the east of Indonesia (Bali, Lombok, Labuan Bajo) and also others country like Kuala Lumpur & Myanmar.

I learn a lot of things in every place that I have visited, every people that I have met, and also from my friends who accompanied me. This kind of experience is also one of the best investment in my life.

Of course I also concern about another investment and set the target to invest in things such property, deposit, mutual fund, gold and so on. I try to manage my income, saving a lil bit after the two priorities that I’ve mentioned above. But again, I try to not comparing my investment with what my friends have. They motivated me of course, but again for me investment is all about understand my financial well, create my own priority and be happy.

So, what about you guys?😉

Marketing Research Part 3 : Workshop Management Survey for Statistics Undip

Melanjutkan sharing mengenai marketing research, di bulan September 2017, akhirnya aku kembali ke “rumah” untuk mengisi acara workshop yang juga diselenggarakan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Statistika Undip.

Aku tidak sendiri, mas Alan meminta ku mengajak seorang teman yang bersedia menemani ku mengisi acara ini. Kemudian muncullah nama Kak Ami. Yes, she is one of my partner in crime in a lot of things in the past 5 years! Awalnya kami satu team saat bekerja di Ipsos yang kemudian sama2 hijrah ke competitor yang berbeda. She also Statistician, Researcher and Traveller, like me. And also single! (Promo dikit!)

Ga susah nego ama Kak Ami, karena dia memang anaknya “mureh” banget, tinggal diiming2i jalan2 muter Semarang, she said yes to my offering😂. Thanks lo sist😘

So, basically, we divided into 2 topic, dimana aku sebagai pembicara pertama lebih banyak membicarakan tentang basic How to design a questionnaire dan Kak Ami yang menjelaskan mengenai analysis plan based on questionnaire design.

Here is some of my slide for this session :

Diawali dengan menjelaskan kembali mengenai definition dan scope of marketing research. Kemudian masuk ke basic role dalam questionnaire design :

Selanjutnya aku juga membahas mengenai jenis-jenis pertanyaannya yang biasa digunakan oleh quantitative researcher :

Dan di tutup dengan case study :

Dan aku kembali kagum dan terharu dengan animo peserta ketika mengikuti acara ini. Jadi selain mendesain kuesioner dengan tim mereka yg aku bagi menjadi 4, aku meminta mereka untuk melakukan roleplay interviewer Vs interviewee. They really did a great job and I am so proud of them, love you adek2 statistikku😘. Sini nanti CV nya dikirim ke Nielsen yaa..haha.

And again, I found a happiness when I am sharing with people, it makes me think and feels like I could contribute and helpful as well by doing my Job as a researcher. It is only a small baby steps, I know that, but I wish there will an impact to my inner circle.

Ini bonus foto pas napak tilas ke Semarang.

1. Napak tilas ke Lawang Sewu :

2. Sunset Di Gereja Blenduk, Kota Lama, Semarang.

3. Kembali ke rumah, Statistika Undip

4. Reuni ama duo laki2 Bali stat ’07: oky, Komting yang saat itu baru married, bankir handalnya bank Mandiri, kemudian Inyo “best auditor BRI” yang selalu bijak dan baik hati and last but not least, Pak dosen Alan, yang selalu jadi “Angel kesayangan” dari jaman maba.

See you in the next sharing guys.

Marketing Research Part 2 : Sharing is Caring

Setelah sekian purnama pernah berjanji akan melanjutkan sharing mengenai Marketing Research part 2, akhirnya hari ini tidak lagi jadi wacana. Here we go.. 🙂

Sebelumnya ga nyangka tulisan aku sebelumnya mendapat cukup banyak respon positive dari pembaca (ala2 banget yak.. :P). Cukup banyak yang nanya dan mengkonfirmasi beberapa hal terkait dengan scope pekerjaan as a researcher sampai ke gimana lingkungan kerja dan jenjang karir, which is udah aku langsung jawab juga di tulisan sebelumnya. klik Sedikit tentang Marketing Research untuk yang belum baca ya..

Berbicara lebih jauh mengenai Marketing Research dan hidupku as a researcher, tahun lalu aku diundang 2 kali ke kampus Statistika Undip untuk Diskusi Pakar dengan tema “Peran Riset dalam Bisnis dan Informasi Global” dan Workshop Statistika dengan tema “Perancangan Kuesioner dalam Manajemen Survei”. You know what, I consider this is one of a big achievement in my life, dulu banget pas jaman mahasiswa dan liat senior2 datang jadi pembicara pernah terbesit “Pengen deh suatu saat bisa sharing kayak gitu juga, jadi seseorang yang menginspirasi, punya ilmu yang bermanfaat”, dan 5 tahun kemudian dijawab sama Allah. Seperti sebuah kalimat sakti kalau Allah sudah berkehendak maka “Kun Fayakun”. (#mendadakalim).

Diskusi Pakar

To be honest, I think it was a little bit too much if they said “Diskusi Pakar”, karena sejatinya aku belum pantas jadi “Pakar”, secara pengalaman kerjanya juga baru seumur jagung (waktu itu belum genap 5 tahun kerja). Aku mengisi acara ini bersama teman seangkatanku, Habib yang sudah murtad dari Researcher dan kemudian menjadi HRD di sebuah perusahaan rokok.

Let’s forget about Pakar, intinya adalah acara ini dibuat oleh Himpunan Statistika Undip untuk sharing ke mahasiswa baru mengenai dunia kerja, dengan mengangkat tema peran riset, dimana memang researcher dan Statistician punya hubungan kedekatan tersendiri. Awalnya mas Alan (dulunya senior, tapi sekarang udah jadi pak Dosen) menghubungiku untuk mengisi acara ini, mengingat sebelumnya pernah aku tolak jadilah akhirnya aku mengiyakan dengan pertimbangan bisa sekalian napak tilas ke Kampus. 🙂

Disini aku mewakili profesi sebagai Reseacher yang bekerja di Marketing Research menjelaskan mengenai scope Marketing Research, Marketing Research Players dan Research Process (menjelaskan mengenai research design dan methodology). Di akhir session aku juga menambahkan case study untuk mengevaluasi pemahaman mereka mengenai materi yang aku sampaikan.

Point yang aku highlight kemarin adalah research design dan methodology, karena ini memang basic yang harus dipahami terlebih dahulu dan juga related ke statistik.

Research Methodhology

Contoh case study :

Case Study

Surprisingly, this was so fun! aku terharu dengan animo mereka and bersyukur untuk kesempatan ini. Disini aku men-challenge diriku sendiri, melawan rasa takut (grogi pastinya, 1st time cuy, biasanya presentasi nya ke client doang), dan juga terinsiprasi dari semangat dan rasa ingin tahu mereka yang tinggi. Thank you ya #StatistikaUndip, thank you mas Alan yang sudah membukakan pintu untuk balik ke “rumah”. 🙂

So, by being a researcher, I got this opportunity. Berharap ilmu yang disampaikan bisa bermanfaat dan ada yang terinspirasi menjadi researcher juga. 😉